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PinGolf objectives


Nov 19, 2012
Where do these come from? Do you make them up each week, Adam, or is there some sort of master list online of PinGolf goals?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I just randomly pull them out of my head.

I try to come up with unique ideas ranging from easy to hard for people to play.

Also something I think can be completed within the given allotment of balls but isn't frustrating at the same time.

I'm not sure I'm always successful but am always open to new ideas.

Most pingolf tournaments just use a target score to achieve, but I find that objectives are more fun.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Okay. So I've heard of pin golf but haven't really tried it.
How does the scoring work? Can someone post a bit of an explanation?



Active Member
This is how Adam's objective-based pingolf works...
Basically, you ignore almost everything about a certain game, except one thing. Some examples;
Indiana Jones (Stern) - start 8-ball multiball.
X-Men - collect four X-Men.
Dragon - knock down 5 Dragons.
Radical - spell RADICAL

Every game is set to 5 balls.
Get the goal on ball one = hole in one
Ball two = birdie
Ball three = three strokes, etc.

It's a lot of fun!

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Some of the tasks were surprisingly hard-getting both locks on Fireball proved tricky, both because of repeated rejections from the saucers, and people accidentally hitting the releases. Getting the monger up on IM was also harder than usual when the game is set up the way Adam's is. It's good to have a mix of things though, and it makes things interesting trying to go for specific objectives rather than just raw points.


Nov 19, 2012
Vengeance said:
How are you finding the tasks?

Do you have any suggestions for pingolf objectives?

The tasks are fine, some easier than others.

The one thing I think that may need to be tweaked in the future is the fundraising aspect. $10 for a mulligan, for a player like me, I'd probably need to redo my round on just about every machine. So basically I do everything one time and take whatever score I get.

With the no limits pinball, I'm good with buying some more points for $5 when needed, for the pingolf since I'm so lousy, i'm not motivated to try and improve my score at $10.

Not something that can be changed mid-season but something to think about before the next time.

Also, can you explain how the playoffs work?


Nov 19, 2012
I just want to add, I think this summer topl format has been good. It's only 5 weeks, its different, turnout has been less. ~12 people seems to be the magic number with keeping things nice and social, you end up talking with everyone over the evening rather than just your one group. plus you are constantly playing with different people with the new groups of no limits.

The pingolf is fun, I think it would be fine as a once-a-year type thing. the no limits pinball is also fun. they work hand-in-hand, so you bounce back and forth. So, if this happened again next summer I wouldn't complain.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Yea after playing I was thinking the $10 fee would have been better served as the cost to get back into No Limits since those points can go further.

$5 for a mulligan seems more reasonable.

Also remember it was supposed to be $10 to play pingolf and I was going to give 3 free mulligans but due to the whining on the newsgroup about having to pay a fee to play, I decided to go with free for everyone and then donation to get either a mulligan or more points for No Limits. That way everyone can play without having to pay any money up front.

frolic said:
The tasks are fine, some easier than others.

The one thing I think that may need to be tweaked in the future is the fundraising aspect. $10 for a mulligan, for a player like me, I'd probably need to redo my round on just about every machine. So basically I do everything one time and take whatever score I get.

With the no limits pinball, I'm good with buying some more points for $5 when needed, for the pingolf since I'm so lousy, i'm not motivated to try and improve my score at $10.

Not something that can be changed mid-season but something to think about before the next time.

Also, can you explain how the playoffs work?


Nov 19, 2012
Vengeance said:
Also remember it was supposed to be $10 to play pingolf and I was going to give 3 free mulligans but due to the whining on the newsgroup about having to pay a fee to play, I decided to go with free for everyone and then donation to get either a mulligan or more points for No Limits. That way everyone can play without having to pay any money up front.

I remember the complaints, but don't remember whom was making them. Basically now that you've run it once, I'd take feedback from the people who are actually coming out for this, then make changes based on that.

League fees are normally $2. so 5 weeks of pingolf at $10 seems fair.

Could even be something like:

Pay $10, play 5 weeks, get x mulligans.

Pay $2 per week, get no mulligans, $x per mulligan.

nolimits, free to enter, $x for additional points. If the money meant something to me I'd play conservative, if it doesn't matter, I'd buy more points every week.


Nov 19, 2012
Oh, and I'm just going to throw out here (and maybe this is best in another thread)... I spend more on GAS going to topl, than the cost of actually playing pinball. I don't get the resistance to paying nominal fees.


Active Member
frolic said:
Oh, and I'm just going to throw out here (and maybe this is best in another thread)... I spend more on GAS going to topl, than the cost of actually playing pinball. I don't get the resistance to paying nominal fees.
Especially when it's for charity. Sheesh. I can't believe anyone would complain about people trying to help out sick kids.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
*shrugs* don't look at me I pay more in gas then you do :)

There are a few people in the league who complain, for no other reason then to do so.

I figured donating all the cash prizes to charity and giving WPPR points to the competitive players would be the best of both worlds. Money goes to help a worthy cause and competitive guys still have something to play for.

But some people will find fault in just about anything.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
I was a little surprised that you weren't going with an entry fee to start, but yeah, $5 mulligans might make more sense. Of course, when you end up having to buy in multiple times a night for no limits, that can start adding up too. Fun format though.

As for other objectives, how about something like:

X-Men: Start either Brotherhood or Hellfire club multiball (or both)
CV:Get any three marvels in a row on the diamond (worked well last time)
Whitewater: Get 5x playfield running (not necessarily in MB)
TZ: Start powerball mania.
JM: Start Yakuza Strike
TSPP: Reach Springfield Mystery Spot
NGG: Score a hole in one (either natural or from the wheel)

Trying to think of things that force you to play outside of the norm, or that might be tricky to do on purpose. Getting 5x on Whitewater isn't necessarily hard, but since the pops advance the award, it's hard to nail it exactly (although you could advance by collecting other things along the way).


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
X-Men: Start either Brotherhood or Hellfire club multiball (or both) - We played Xmen at Mike Luc's place I'd like to note have to repeat games if I don't have to, we did collect any 3 Xmen Characters

CV: Get any three marvels in a row on the diamond (worked well last time) - That one is good, but no CV's at any of the locations

NGG: Score a hole in one (either natural or from the wheel) - Way too hard, you would end up with a ton of 6's and a bunch of frustrated people

Whitewater: Get 5x playfield running (not necessarily in MB) - Eh, maybe, I'd be more apt to say start Big Foot Hot Foot as that is something most people don't try to do

TZ: Start powerball mania. - Eh, problem is depending on the TZ you might have to play a ton of pinball to get the powerball out if it is say 3 gumballs deep. It's also unfair if one player has it closer then the other, or what if a player drops it on ball 5 and the next player gets it served in the shooter lane, much to much randomness to make it fair.

JM: Start Yakuza Strike - Yea that could work, but if I used JM, I'd say collect X number of video tiles :)

TSPP: Reach Springfield Mystery Spot - WAY to hard, I'm sure there are players who own the game who have yet to see SMS