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SkitB's - Experts of Dangerous Pinball


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
In one of Kevin's previous update emails, he clearly states that they have secured a CM to build the game. The reason everyone had to pony up the dough now was to help pay this CM to begin the build. Now that this is in motion, the build itself is out of Kevin's hands, so why wouldn't he focus on putting out information on the next game in the pipeline? He's not Stern, and he isn't going to be dealing with the nitty gritty of production of the game hence the need for a CM.

I just don't get why people feel the need to jump all over Kevin all the time when they don't get every single piece of information they feel they are entitled to. In my books Kevin has proven to be a very stand up guy, and nobody has reason to think Pred won't get built regardless of this new game. The build quality of the game will be at the hands of the CM Kevin has chosen to use, so it doesn't matter WTF Kevin chooses to focus on at this point...

People just need to relax. They will get their game when it's ready, and the quality will be what it is. In the end they are getting a game with great potential, and for way less than any other NIB game available today not to mention the last few years! Time to cut Kevin some slack.



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Then you either got some email I didn't, cause in all the communication I just went over no where is their mention of anything more then a generic passing of manufacturing costs, not that he has hired a company to do the work, or what company that is.

I just don't get why people feel the need to jump all over Kevin all the time when they don't get every single piece of information they feel they are entitled to.

The sense of entitlement comes from the fact that now people have their skin in the game. I couldn't have cared less about the lack of communication when the only thing I had to pony up was $250, but now that I've got over 5K into the machine, I want more information.

Also I know Kevin is pretty terrible when it comes to communication, I'd honestly be more ok with no communication, my issue is like I said, we got told to put up or shut up, and now the first thing we hear out of SkitB since then is the announcement of a new game, not even a single mention to Pred.

And now the game play video for Pred is also gone?


Pinball is the only industry I can think of where people are asked to pay for things before they are ever made, and lack of communication is the expectation.

End of the day it is piss poor business sense to ask your customers to pony up their hard earned cash for something, and then go dark on the issue, only to start talking about your next project!

I was rock solid in my confidence until this announcement, now that confidence is shaken as a result.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
Please don't take this the wrong way, but maybe it's time you put your money where your mouth is?

From where I sit you seem to have all the answers and make everything sound so easy to accomplish (weather it be software / design and now manufacturing and how to run a business), so instead of complaining about how "Pinball is the only industry I can think of where people are asked to pay for things before they are ever made, and lack of communication is the expectation." why don't you spearhead something to change all this and give everyone something to not complain about?

If you honestly believed your own statement above, why are you surprised about any of this and furthermore why are you complaining when it was to be expected?

I guess I'm the exception to the rule... I came from a Mfg background so I actually have a pretty good idea as to what it takes to pull something like this off when you're a one man show. I think Kevin has gone above and beyond and I feel sorry for all of the bullshit that gets tossed at him. There is nothing to indicate we will not get our games, and the fact he's releasing info on the second game to me just solidifies this fact because let's be honest... How would he sell ANY of the second game if he doesn't come through on the first? And it's not like he's taking pre-orders for the second game, he merely tossed out the idea. WHOOPDIE-DOO!!



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
Menace said:
Please don't take this the wrong way, but maybe it's time you put your money where your mouth is?

Oh please Doug, you know you can't offend me, if you are going to try at least throw in a cock sucking asshole while you at it :lol:

why don't you spearhead something to change all this and give everyone something to not complain about?

Cause I can only Play pinball, I don't have a creative bone in my body

If you honestly believed your own statement above, why are you surprised about any of this and furthermore why are you complaining when it was to be expected?

I'm not surprised, but just because I'm not surprised doesn't mean I can't hope for better, and voice my opposition when it doesn't happen.

and the fact he's releasing info on the second game to me just solidifies this fact because let's be honest... How would he sell ANY of the second game if he doesn't come through on the first?

I thought about that as well, but if Pred were a failure, it could also be passed off as a learning experience, getting his feet wet, I learned all my mistakes on the backs of others, now I've got JJP in my corner, so everything will be better.

I'm not jumping out of the pre-order yet, but last week it wasn't even a through process, today, it is.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
Vengeance said:
Oh please Doug, you know you can't offend me, if you are going to try at least throw in a cock sucking asshole while you at it :lol:

This made me LOL. Thanks for that.

I guess I'm just tired of all the bitching from everywhere about the boutique mfg's. I fully expected exactly what we're seeing from Skit-B, so I'm puzzled why others thought differently. Out of all the people making games besides Stern, if you look at the history Skit-B is really the only one to even be coming close to hitting their marks...



Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
spiroagnew said:
Sorry to derail that back and forth...but what involvement, if any, does SkitB have with Funhouse 2.0? Has it been confirmed that they are revisiting the game with new rules and a DMD a la BoP 2.0?

There was some initial talks from PPS's seminar at last expo about WPC 2.0 for titles like TOTAN, CV and FH.



There was a rumor that PPS mentioned at CAX that FH is going to be re-made but ain't nobody going to pay $8k for a NIB FH or at least I don't think?? Nothing has been confirmed and think it was just someone on pinside running their wheels.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
To clarify my earlier post, I have paid for Predator in full. I like the theme/pin.
I am happy to wait until it arrives and I have confidence in Kevin and Skit-B.

If this is the next release for Skit-B, the theme does not appeal to me.
Much the same as WoZ didn't interest me for JJP's first pin, Hobbit may.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I emailed Kevin directly, and he actually responded within a few hours.

That alone helped quell some of my concerns, but he also explained a bit more of his direction and vision so I'm feeling a bit more positive.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
I didn't ask if I could share the information, but it's pretty harmless stuff, so if anyone wants the email thread, just PM me your email address and I'll forward it over.

Rather not post it publicly just in case.