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Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
So I've had my X-Men LE for about a week now, and have been playing the hell out of it. Just trying to sort out the rules though, and also trying to decide if certain things are rules/software glitches or something that needs adjustment.

Completing hero modes seems pretty straightforward, but does a completed hero mode (solid) score differently in Magneto MB than a started one (flashing)? Some of the modes are definitely riskier than others (that beast shot is a pain), and I can see people timing some of them out in competition. I think the only one I've *never* managed to complete is Wolverine though-I have no idea how many shots it takes, but somehow it's never enough. Alternating the shot/bash cycle is fun though.

As for the villain modes, these seem to be harder to get a handle on, mostly because they don't start as easily, so I think I've only played each one once or twice. Again, it's going to take some experimentation to see what actually does significant "damage" in each of these, and what you can do to get real progress. I know Sentnels seems pretty overpowered right now though, but that might just be because everything is lit for damage. Is there an end to the mode though-I think I've always drained before I've run out of time, but they just seem to keep adding more sentinels to the mix.

I also noticed that I've been getting more air balls off the middle of the playfield, so that might be the disc sitting incorrectly. Have any of you adjusted yours? I've put the e-clip in to stop the vibration, but it almost seems like one edge of the disc is sitting higher than the others. I had the glass off to check, and I wasn't getting air when I just threw the ball at it though, so maybe it's not the disc and instead random bounces off rubbers with odd spin.

Something else that's odd-sometimes when the game serves out a ball, you'll get 1,110 points. Seems to me like a switch is getting triggered at the same time as the shooter lane, but I can't figure out which one (and the game isn't giving credit for another shot). I did notice Adam's doing the same thing the other night though, so I'm thinking software glitch maybe. Another strange one-sometimes I'll get credit for a Storm shot after shooting Xavier. Again, couldn't reproduce in the test matrix with 20 or so tries, but it's happened in a couple of games. My theory was the game reading Xavier, then the impact from the vuk triggering the ramp enter, and then the ramp made getting hit to equal a ramp shot, but this didn't show up in the test. Anything else that might cause this?

Oh yeah, and going through the feature audits, there's a reference to a Deadpool mode-is that something that got taken out, or maybe has yet to be added? Who knows. Either way, looking forward to seeing what they add. The game feels like it's not a beta anymore, but could use a little more fleshing out. I have no idea how to get up above about 15M on there (other than playing longer). As it is, I don't think anything stacks-I know you CAN run magneto MB while another hero/villain mode is going, but I didn't notice the sound cues for the mode going at the same time, so it might pause? I can see pulling Sentinels in with Magneto being a good combo early on.

Anyway, just a few random thoughts/questions on what's turning out to be a fun game.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Hey Chris, I won't attempt to answer everything because a lot of it is simply software driven and hopefully will be addressed in a few weeks once the power-pack is set to be released.

Hero modes are definitley more straight-forward to complete than villains and I almost wish I could avoid some of the villain modes until they re-jig the code. Do yourself a favor and go into settings and max out the time for villain modes. This should give you a fighting chance at completiond (if you don't drain).

I think you need to knock out 5 Sentinels to complete the modes. This one is easiest with MB in play. Most of the other modes are pretty easy to follow.
Wolverine requires 3 combinations of lit-shot and bash toy (I think)... could be 4. If you get the scoop lit you can add another ball which is also helpful sometmes.

Beast is a decent shot to make, but if you have an LE, your wolverine toy is likely too far left. Many of us have removed him and cut the opening in his back in order to allow him to be mounted further to the right (as in the pro). I believe this was the original intent of the design and it opens up the Beast lane nicely.

You may also want to consider changing the posts on the ramp entrances to the more standard sleeve types. This will help with airballs and also opens up the ramps just a bit.

Its a very fun and attractive game with lots to shot for. It just needs a little love in the rules department. I hear some of the voices will also be addressed :)

Deadpool is speculated to be the grand Wizard mode for completing both Dark Phoenix and Danger Room. I don't think it's written in yet (Good luck!)


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
You can't just change the post sleeves Chris but you have to change the actual posts. I used these 2-1/8" Tall Metal Post With Threaded Base from PBL and ordered some dark blue post sleeves from Cliffy. The post sleeves slide over top and may require some adjustment after lots of games in case these slide up but so far so good.


If you prefer the more traditional look with a screw on top to keep the post sleeve on you could go with these ones instead from PBL


When you install these post sleeves for each ramp only one of the two post threads will match perfectly but the other will require you to know out the T-nut. Go to Home Depot and get the appropriate sized washer and nut to secure the post. For an LE you have less clearance as a result of the NC pop up targets so just get a nut that will clear the area instead of grinding a corner off your NC mechs like some did on pinside. Talk about making a mountain from a molehill :lol:


You will definitely experience less air balls and also having the posts it helps sort of slows the ball down so if you miss the ramp shot the ball gets stopped to a certain degree so you can gain back control. It also makes the game look better or the way it should have come from the factory in my opinion.


Don't forget to order an extra post and colored sleeve for under the professor in case you shop your game out in the future or install a Pinbit plastic protectors to get at the post. I did not change mine yet as it doesn't cause the same sort of air balls as the ramp entrance posts.


(pics are not of my game and taken by turbo20lbs on pinside)

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
to know out the T-nut

Great reply Mike-I didn't know it was quite that involved a changeover. Not sure what you meant there though-you're saying that the post won't line up with the existing nut in the PF? If not, how are you mounting the post (unless you mean actually pulling the t-nut out of the playfield and leaving a bigger hole). That sounds a little extreme...


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Sorry Chris, typo and I mean to say knock out the T-nut and use a washer and proper sized nut to secure the new post from the bottom. I'm sure Drano can shed some light as he just tore apart his XM LE last night to install his pinbits plastics protectors and post mods.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Just looking at this again, and went to grab the parts from pinball life, and I forgot what shipping ends up as. 30 bucks to ship 20 bucks worth of parts? Ouch... Anyone have any of these on hand? I don't really need anything else from PBL right now (strangely enough).

I suppose the other option is, is anyone else looking to put in a PBL order who wants to split shipping?


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Chris Bardon said:
Just looking at this again, and went to grab the parts from pinball life, and I forgot what shipping ends up as. 30 bucks to ship 20 bucks worth of parts? Ouch... Anyone have any of these on hand? I don't really need anything else from PBL right now (strangely enough).

I suppose the other option is, is anyone else looking to put in a PBL order who wants to split shipping?

Sorry Chris,
Had I known you were looking I could have added you to my last order. I get my stuff shipped to colleagues in Rochester or NJ that are regularly coming up for work. On one such trip my buddy brought me back all the parts for this mod and I finally had an opportunity to install it about a week ago. The game seems to play much more smoothly without the crazy bounce-backs and wicked left lane drain off the right ramp post. The extra 1/8" it buys you is also nice and, in the Prof. X - Rogue area, it is a bit more forgiving.

I'll keep you in mind if I have to place another order soon. Have you tried SB? They may not carry the less common post without the threaded top, but they may have the standard one.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
I think I'm just going to order these from PBL and hopefully do the mod over Christmas. Balls flying all over the place on this game :)

Adriano-any idea if you can get the lower profile nuts at Home Depot or Rona, or is pbrestore the only place you've seen them? I didn't find what you were talking about on pinball life.

Still really liking this game though, and still trying to figure out all of the rules. A couple of interesting things I've noticed after playing it more:
-Chaining hero modes together is kind of cool-there's a nice combo where if you have cyclops running, the cyclops->storm combo will complete cyclops, then start storm right away if your progress is right (meaning that the shot counts towards completing mode A and starting mode B).
-Villain modes pull into magneto MB nicely, although you can't seem to track progress on them. Managed to finish off Juggernaut and Sabretooth this way (although ST also causes the iceman ramp to move while in MB). I'd imagine that you can do the same thing with Hellfire or Brotherhood.
-it'd be really nice if hellfire/brotherhood target hits counted during other modes. As it stands, I almost never start these.
-Hopefully they add a proper status report in the next revision. Knowing how many hits for a multiball would really help :)
-In the Magneto MB, I'm guessing shots go unlit until you hit something else? Is there any way to get Magneto lit for more than 50k?


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Chris Bardon said:
I think I'm just going to order these from PBL and hopefully do the mod over Christmas. Balls flying all over the place on this game :)

Adriano-any idea if you can get the lower profile nuts at Home Depot or Rona, or is pbrestore the only place you've seen them? I didn't find what you were talking about on pinball life.

I got the low profile lock-nuts from PBRestore, but any standard nut will do. You can get these at any hardware storee or, if you're near Dixie & Dundas, swing by my shop and you can grab a few of the low profile lock-nuts I got.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Dammit, I didn't know you had to FINISH all of the heroes to get to Danger room-I thought it was just start them all (like with SoS/Portal on Tron, where you get a chance to pick things up afterwards). Actually-random question for those that have done it-if you play Danger room, and then Magneto, do the X-Men all unlight at the end of DR, so the jackpots reset? Might be good to know if I ever manage to get that far :)


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I thought you had to complete the modes... same for Dark Phoenix.
I haven't come very close... sad to say :oops:

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Had to share this one-got to be a one in a million shot for getting a ball stuck on XM:

Easy enough to get off, but still a funny place to get hung up.

Wonder if we'll get new code today? They said before christmas, right?

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
So the Xm upate is live, and it's definitely different. Only got a couple of games in after people left last night, but so far it seems a LOT easier to start X-Men modes. First game in I went into Magneto with all 8 started, and 1M jackpots. Not sure if this makes the game too easy or not, but we'll see long term. Being able to stack heroes is nice-still not sure if you can score brotherhood/hellfire hits with anything else running (although the number of hits for those is down to 4). Other than that, the disc seems to spin a lot more when starting MB, and the requirements for Danger Room are different now (Super on Magneto after starting all 8 X-men). I'm sure I'll find more changes after playing more, but so far no earth shattering change to the rules. Villian modes are apparently easier, but not sure about maintining progress across attempts.