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New Pinball buying Connections...

Golden Graham

Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
Essex, Ontario
Hi all.
As you might have read, I just picked up a LOTR and a SS (technically Phantomgirl has the SS) this week from a seller in Michigan. I am more than likely going back for a Congo and perhaps a HS2 for another PBR member. This seller was attacked on a recent pinside post, but I defended him after completing 2 very easy, successful transactions.
Point of my rambling is that....I have found another avenue to get us Pins here in Canada. His pins are ALL routed, but they are honestly in pretty incredible shape. If they were "perfect" it wouldn't really be any fun IMHO. Part of the charm of this hobby is cleaning, fixing and becoming intimate with your machine - no glory-hole jokes....
I know most of you have way more contacts than I do, but I am just throwing it out there that I am more than willing to check my Windsor OP Rob (mwong's WH2O, a WHOLE bunch for rted - maaca), and this new guy who has vowed to pass on to me pin deals he comes across.
I will keep you all posted on what I hear!!



Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
That's awesome news and maybe you will now known as the West End Enabler :) Can't wait to see pics of your LOTR and Phantomgirl's SS. Thanks for giving us all an option and I think Elliot might be contacting you soon regarding a Capcom Breakshot soon as I just sent him an email on a lead.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
That's great-hopefully things work out with this guy and you can get more pins up north of the border. One other thing to try maybe-how far from the border is he, and would he be willing to drive up? I was reading on pinside that the guy who bought Kim's BBB brought in an AFM to sell and paid 5% at the border instead of 13 since he was on a US passport. Might be a nice way to save some tax if he's close and willing to drop off (even in the parking lot on the opposite side).