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New Xmen Code


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
Keswick, ON
So the new Xmen code is out and FINALLY a step in the right direction!

The LE features are still completely underutilized and poorly implemented but the base software is at least showing some signs of promise.

A bunch of the bugs were fixed, which shouldn't have happened in the first place, so I'm just going to ignore the last update.

I love the stacking of Xmen and Villains. This adds a depth that was desperately missing, I used to avoid villain modes like the plague, only time I ever wanted to start one was just before a multiball and sentinals only.

Allowing Villain modes to stack with hero modes and vice versa is a great addition. Villain modes on their own aren't worth enough to halt all other progress and play them. But as an add on, they work well, it means that I can continue to work on my heros which will increase my over all jackpot value for magneto, while at the same time earning points from the mode itself.

Then finally implementing carryover for the mode means that Dark Phoenix doesn't seem like such an impossibility.

The next logical step in progression for the software IMO would be to add benefits for having a specific hero mode running during the Villain mode that should make it easier or more lucrative for the Villain mode.

Things like:

Sabertooth and Wolverine
Jugernaut and Xavier
Shadow King and Storm
Hellfire and Jean Gray
Omega Red and ??? (I'd like to say coleuses but he isn't in the game)
The Brotherhood and Rouge

Those combinations all fit in well with the cannon of Xmen and would really add a level of depth to bring the game to the next level.

But I don't have any hope we would see anything as inspired from Waison.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
So I've been playing a bunch more X-Men with the new code, and it's really a much better game now. Not to say that it feels absolutely "complete", but at least now they're on the right track. Strategy has really moved to starting heroes and villains in the right combinations, since I don't think you can stack ANY of the multiballs. This means that I'll always try to start a villain before wolverine and magneto MB, and probably a hero before Brotherhood and Hellfire (ideally beast or storm, since those score on the pops, and more balls=more hits). You can also still chain hero starts, so things like Cyclops->Storm will finish one and start the next just like 2 releases ago.

As for what could still be added, special combinations/vs modes would be a great idea, but that's another pretty major change. If nothing else though, a proper status report would tell you things like how many more wolverine hits for MB, how many magneto locks, etc, since I've lost track of those many times (and wanted to know whether it made sense to go for Wolverine #2).

I also haven't checked-is the scoring for all the villain modes comparable? Looking at it now, I'd probably try to skew them a little more-Juggernaut and Sentinels light everything, so they're easy to score/progress, but Shadow King and Omega Red are much riskier, since they take specific shots. If you want risk/reward, make those modes much more lucrative perhaps? It also seems to take a lot of shots to start a villain, but maybe that's because I've also been playing a lot of TSPP recently, and relights on the TV modes are pretty easy in factory settings. Wonder if it would have made more sense to use another playfield element to light villains (like the lock light targets, or perhaps any combo shot)?

Anyway, big improvement with this release, and I'm still really enjoying the game, but it'd be great to see it get even more attention down the line.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
I agree, this version feels like what the game should have shipped with, with maybe one or two more minor revisions to follow. They had over a year to develop this game and the shotty code it came with was unexcusable. It literally dropped the stock on this title (which is otherwsie fantastic) right into the basement overnight.

It definitley has the right "feel" to it now and no longer feels like work.

Sadly, Borg has indicated that the next update is not a huge priority as they ramp up for Metallica and Star Trek. Looks like XM onwers may have to wait a bit longer for another one.
At least it is very playable and enjoyable now. Just a few scoring/combo issues to tackle and more development into the wizard mode(s)... which I have not come close to reaching yet anyway ;)