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Have prices gone too far?


Active Member
Jul 22, 2013
People making $20/hr (even dual $20/hr incomes...) are not the ones buying million dollar homes. Not unless they've already got a significant amount of money saved / a house to sell that's got no mortgage on it. $20/hr is $39k a year. A million dollar house needs a 200k downpayment - you can't do anything less than 20%... the mortgage payment on that is $4269/month. Even at the some of the best rates you could get before rates started going up, it would have been around $3300/month. And that's before taxes. There isn't a bank around that's going to give someone a mortgage that chews up nearly 80% of the money they bring home just for the mortgage.

That's not to say that there aren't people that are completely financially dumb however... if a bank tells you that you can "afford" a $800k house, you really shouldn't buy a $800k house. If you do that, you really won't have much left over money every month to buy furniture for the new house, maintenance, cars, etc. Or... pinball machines!
Correct, people with a $20 an hour salary aren't buying those properties....that's complete nonsense.