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arcade museum exhibit?


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
i was hearing a local radio today advertising their game over exhibit to be held at the simcoe museum located in barrie ontario today. i came home and theres not much info out there about it. the radio add did mention pinballs and arcades. i guess i wont find out too much more until the exhibit opens on the 16th. i know theres free play. does anyone else have any info on this or did anyone donate games . i just find it interesting to be an exhibit of a historical nature... i always opined many of the pinball art is worthy of an exhibit.

not much info provided at the museum website



Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
Orillia ontario
Well i decided to go to this. there were actually only 2 pinball machines there one functional and one opened up with printing explaining the various parts that make up an EM pinball. Within 10 seconds i recognized the games from the former Just Push Play run by Mike/Arcade Doc a member on this site.Thanks goes out to Arcade Doc! Racers. a rifle Gallery and Chicao Coins World Series was there plus some exhibits for home video games.

I did talk to a progam organizer and she was explaining to me that the response has been overwhelming. What really caught me is her saying that there was a valid interest for more historical doumentation/history/photos in the arcades/venues that used to populate the area.(im talking Simcoe County here).

She also seemed to be real interested in what i had for sale as there has been people asking and could be asking. I responded that i didnt really have anything for sale. I showed her an image of my CC Baseball Champ too and when i told her it wasnt for sale, she said the same went for Mikes World Series.

So while it probably wont pique too manys interest here for the machines themselves as most would have more pins in their private collection, it is worth noting that Historical Societies are or will be seeking out more and more info on pinball "pasts". its amazing the interest kids do have in pinballs when first seeing them. Consolidating the past looking towards the future.