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Zidware upcoming Sh*t Storm


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
From the code designer:

Here's my list of code created for the current setup on mg (when i exited the project) :
• base game play
• ball save
• bonus
• skillshot
• jets
• upper lanes
• up post
• magic letters
• lion saw
• newton ball
• owl target
• potion letters
• magic shop/scoop
• loops
• center spinner
• center lock
• centre targets
• spiral ramp
• wand ramps
• lock
• multiball
• jackpots
• quick multiball
• telsa subway
• mini magnet playfield
• magna save
• magna jet
• jinx motor
• attract
• service mode with tests, audits, settings, coin door open

All the above had sounds, animation, graphics and rules. There was more to do from the full rules docs, but this hopefully gives a flavour of the amount of stuff written
For the record, I did get a trim to the beard and hair since then... but just enough to look like I'm not homeless. ;)

I figured that this thread needed about 10,000 more posts, so I'll do what I can to help.
For the record, I like Bill(pintasia) and his effort to try to save MG (and hopefully the rest) & have agreed to help finish any of the machines and support the cause as a contractor... but I am admittedly not objective in this. I put up with a lot of excrement throughout the process working with JPOP and I always kept my eye on the end goal to see these things produced... so my judgement is skewed ;)

That said - just wanted to say that I may not be driving the machine and attending NW at this point... still might happen - but I'm beyond exhausted from this sh@tstorm... but someone WILL be bringing it regardless...


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
Welcome, Jeremy!! For the record, you've done some pretty amazing work. As a fellow artist, I was amazed at how much of John's obsessive compulsiveness you were actually putting up with! LOL

(I'm Brock, aka. Pinball_customs btw)

Just a suggestion Yeti, but you should do some prints and sell them! Maybe not zidware art.. but some generic pinball stuff like Dirty Donnie does would be cool and sell very well for you. :)
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Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Hey, at this point a print of some of the Zidware stuff might be the only thing anyone sees of these games. Nice to see at least some of the information about what actually got created start making it out there though. It looks like there was some legitimately good ideas in all of this, but they got buried by constant overrevision, micromanagement, and lack of focus. The deeper cabinet could have incorporated some of the verticality of games like pinball circus into a better pin, and the position of the screen, and having the ball interact with it had some potential. Not sure why you'd need to design your own bolts and brackets though... that'd be like a software project where you decide to write everything in assembly, without using any other libraries, compilers, or frameworks, just so that you have "control".
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
dgarrett posted this on pinside a few minutes ago:

Thanks. I'll show two pics from Tuesday afternoon. Not sure why, they'll just be more flames, assumptions and wrong guesses about what's missing or what isn't missing - but here goes. The while blocks in the back with the arrows, were temp spacer guides for the monitor brackets before we put them back in, there were some zip ties being added to the wires behind the monitor, those right side wires won't show - this is not the final pic before loading. We hadn't reinstalled the right back plastic next to the monitor. Yes, the prototype schematics are in the upper left part of the pic - we used full size, full color documentation that was complete for lamps, flashers, switches and coils to double-check connections, wire colors, etc. Nothing is final, final until production. For example, we didn't have the final right-sized motor for the lion saw, rather than put on a temp placeholder, we left it off.
I can answer a few questions, but I'm just a minion, and its not my product - I'm not an owner and didn't ask for pay - its just to give it a chance to be judged, good or bad, and for Bill/Pintasia to have a shot at showing a close-to-final game.
Notice: If Bill wants the pics taken down - I'll do so.




Nov 20, 2012
Well I must say it does look very interesting. I am very surprised with the depth of the cabinet. Its truly a shame this will probably never get to production.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
It looks like a game at least, but definitely an unfinished one. I think it's telling that in the Pinball News video, the ramp didn't get made once. Not sure if I see $16k worth of stuff in there, but we'll see how it develops. I suppose the question is, will the prospective owners like what they see?


Staff member
Nov 13, 2012
It's a miracle they even got this thing flipping. In the state it was in, a flipping proto for the NW show was unlikely. There's actually quite a few ramp sets built but unfortunately NONE of them fit. They had to bend and break parts just to get this thing to its current state. Anyway they probably just didn't want any air balls as this thing had no glass on it.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
** I posted this yesterday but in the Predator shit storm thread when it should have been in this one ;)

just posted this an hour ago on pinside:

First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who dedicated their time and effort to help bring Magic Girl to light. Without everyone's effort this would not have been possible.

I would also like to personally thank everyone who believed and supported me in this endeavor.

After working and speaking with a lot of you, who know pinball development inside and out, and finally getting an opportunity to see how far along Magic Girl really is, I have decided that it is not worth my effort or finances to move this to completion.

Despite the fact that I'm not going to continue with MG, I do not regret the investment I have made as I hold the friendships cultivated at a much higher value.

Thanks again for all your support and patience.

Best regards,