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What Really Matters


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
What really matters...

I have been silent for several months now. Thinking on all of it still...
This is the crux of the past and it is the future of what the modern age will be upcoming...

What really does matter... That is the real question my friends... What is it to all of us... How to proceed forward...

(Anyone on maaca or any veterans may know what I am referring to here) based on historical situations.
I thought I would try this here and see what happens next...


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Do you really want people to post what they did in the hobby today? It probably goes something like this.

"So I feverishly scanned every FS post and ad on Kijiji... then posted a WTB thread or two. Didn't talk to any other collectors or respond to their threads... but I'm really proud of myself because I got my total post count up to 5" :D

In truth, I blame the "veterans". Don't like what the forums have become? Maybe they should stop lamenting and complaining about it behind the scenes, then come out of hiding and do something about it. Take back the forums!


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
Well bro, there are very "few" of us that have done what you and I have done in this hobby and posted about it.
Online and/or Offline.
I simply suggest that perhaps a simple "read" to anyone new here may assist with a history of what has happened historically.

And, I never stayed or left. I never was a veteran. I never was a newb either; considering whom I have as friends. But, I do take breaks.
The online world envelops many and it can and will eat you up if you don't think outside your own desires or requirements or "needs now".

It's all relative. I do miss our "verteran friends" posting. But, I dont suspect they will return. They whisper in our ears. We have to re-post their sentiments.
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Nov 15, 2012
Hamilton Ontario
Ok Scott I'll Bite!
Yes I think your right the forums are quite things have changed, I got in right about the same time you did but was not as vocal on the forums
but I’m here daily as well as the other place. Kijiji was hot with Pinball machines people were buying like crazy and needing parts and needing help daily so in turn this made the forums hot… Some even were able to start forums or even go as far as starting businesses related to pinball. The vets were awesome invited all to events like Allentown and Chicago showing us the ropes, what and where to buy. What to look for and what to avoid. Doors were wide open to the leagues. “They still are but many are to capacity so waiting list have come into play” Ah League night, here I was able to meet many amazing people that like you I am lucky to call friends to this day. I know most of the big players in our area by name and fortunate enough to have played at many of the TOPL, Tri-city, and private venues, seen the collections and played the pins I will never see in the wild or even at shows. Pinball has taken me on an amazing journey over that past few years. I found myself last week with a friend of mine and a buddy who had never been to my house EXCITED and talking about pinball when he said OMG you have 8 pinball machines!
Life gets busy people get busy and many of us are desensitized to the fact that we “have 8 pinball machines” or more or that we fixed something or put in a MOD, powered coated some legs and rails. It’s just the way it is. The other thing is I’m sure people have questions but thanks to people like Drano and Doug all they do is a search of the forum and they find the answer to the problem they are having hence no question asked. You think maybe?
So as quickly as I pop on I’m gone again…… I say hello to all the Vets, acquaintances and friends
Even those on here I have never met. Keep flipping and introducing people to the hobby!
And as it says in another post.
I am delinquent on the updates...
-Last Friday I played Pinball in Brampton had a great time but sucked!
-This week I welded a wire ramp for a friends pin dropped it off and all is well.
-Tonight I will play pinball
-I hope next Friday I will play pinball and then again on Sat.
That is all! ;-)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
A lot of strong points made by slacker.

The hardest part really is that life gets in the way.

I often lurk and read much more than I post.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Scott I just think you need to lower your expectations or better don't have any so this way you won't feel the way you do sometimes because it seems to come in cycles for you. Nobody on the forums owes anybody anything and I said it before you get what you give in this hobby and community. I try my best to keep posting machines for sale in my NOT MINE thread and was glad to hear I helped another member out a few weeks ago secure a nice High Speed that use to belong to a chinese mafia boss. I also try my best to post pinball related news such as code updates, upcoming game releases and even cross post what I think are cool mods over from pinside to here such as repro ramps. It's hard to keep track or even notice these threads because the activity on pinside in a day is like that of a month on here :rolleyes:

I am very reluctant to help people with low post counts or lurkers when they PM me asking if I know of any machines for sale. Any machine that I know of that might be for sale or potentially would be coming from a friend I made in the past that I have either bought a machine from or helped them buy/sell a game. I have been burned by helping some people out in the past buy a game only to flip it a few weeks later on kijiji or someone else for more money. I felt terrible and the sellers who found out afterwards weren't upset at me because they got what they thought was fair market value and just wanted my help in setting them up with a buyer. I'm not nearly as active as before in regards to keeping tabs of what's out there but I still get pms, emails and texts from people asking me if I know any buyers for their games.

For instance, I just helped a good friend buy my old Flintstones and a HUO Ironman in a package deal. I probably shouldn't say this because of the potential flurry of PMs I will get but as a result of this package deal he will have to cut two games loose to make room. I'm just waiting to see which two games and how much he is looking to get.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you are interested however there will be percentage mark up tiers on top of the seller's asking:

< 10 posts = 50%
50-99 posts = 35%
> 100 but < 500 = 25%
> 1000 posts = 5%

Just kidding and if you are in the market for a modern pin and have a budget of say > $5000-6500 to spend then shoot me a PM and I can try to see what I can do to help both parties out.

Here is what I am doing in the hobby today...
Right now I am in the process of removing all the heads on my 12 pins in preparation to move them up my stairs in current house which suck big time. The stairs are my new house are marginally better but because there is a 90 degree turn near the bottom and no landing means machines will have to be hand bombed down. It's a good thing the heads will be off which should make things easier. I can't wait till this is all done so I can finally settle in and adjust.
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Jan 19, 2016
Caledon ON
Being fairly new to this forum and pinball ownership, I really appreciate all the members and contributors. When I have questions, I search the forums, and quite often find the answer without needing to post. The questions I have asked, members have answered quickly, and even made offers to personally assist someone they don't know. I may yet take up an offer or two. I have a few minor questions not warranting creating a thread, so wait for a related one to pop up to ask ( under playfield lamps, the twist mounts through the boards, that are not 44 or 47, what are they and where can I get them?)
I too wish there was more activity in forums other than the buy and sell, but find them very useful. Also, it would be nice to have more casual opportunities to get out and meet other members, like the Church's open house, or a Sunday afternoon drop by and play session.
Regardless, I enjoy the forum, and all the contributions made to it.
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Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
I have a few minor questions not warranting creating a thread, so wait for a related one to pop up to ask ( under playfield lamps, the twist mounts through the boards, that are not 44 or 47, what are they and where can I get them?)

They are bulb size #555 and you can get them from Pinball Life here:



I would keep 10-20 around in your spare parts stash because as they get older and tarnished they become intermittent. You can also call Doug Baird over at the Playdium Store in the parts department. He will have these in stock if you are in a pinch or don't wanna get gouged by PBL shipping.


Feb 28, 2013
I don't fit into pinball because I just like playing the games. All I do is go downstairs, hit start and play the games. It's perfect. I let everyone else pinball amongst themselves and get all worked up over nothing.
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Super Member
Nov 18, 2012
Being fairly new to this forum and pinball ownership, I really appreciate all the members and contributors. When I have questions, I search the forums, and quite often find the answer without needing to post. The questions I have asked, members have answered quickly, and even made offers to personally assist someone they don't know. I may yet take up an offer or two. I have a few minor questions not warranting creating a thread, so wait for a related one to pop up to ask ( under playfield lamps, the twist mounts through the boards, that are not 44 or 47, what are they and where can I get them?)
I too wish there was more activity in forums other than the buy and sell, but find them very useful. Also, it would be nice to have more casual opportunities to get out and meet other members, like the Church's open house, or a Sunday afternoon drop by and play session.
Regardless, I enjoy the forum, and all the contributions made to it.
how many do you want , can have them for free , just pick them up .
Last edited:


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Yesterday was probably one of the most stressful days in my life having to break down my pins in order to move them up my current house stairs. For those who have ever been over or had to do battle with them will easily agree they are the stairs from hell. The easiest way to bring a game up is in multiple trips 1) head 2) empty cabinet 3) playfield. This wasn't my first rodeo but since I had to do 12 pins at once I created a database for WPC and WPC95 and printed them off on avery mailing labels to make things more efficient.


This is probably overkill as some will say connectors are keyed or the harness has some memory to it from being in same place for over a decade. I think it was/is worth it because it makes putting the game back together quicker since there is no guess work. I know a friend once mixed up J101 and J102 on top right of power driver board because they were not only same size but keyed the same.

So here is what 3 nights and about 16 hours total of prep looks like.




I was also stressing over the unknown of my stairs going down at the new house because there is a 90 degree turn near the bottom with no landing but those dreaded pie shape steps not leaving any room to turn a pin strapped to a dolly. He is a drawing made of what we could have potentially done to make things go smoother.


Ultimately what ended up happening was we strapped game to an appliance dolly and once we got to first pie shaped step put the pin upright and dead lifted it straight up to bring down to the ground.

But with the help of my friends they made me realize I was worrying over nothing and the move yesterday went pretty smoothly and sorta like clock work.



We even had enough time to put all my games on legs and got 4 out of 5 games back together and running. It appears my JD might have developed a ribbon cable issue but boots up fine.

I would like to give a big thanks to:

Steve (TopTierArcade)
Barry (SuperJackpot)
Terry (budfan)
Walt (brewmanager)
Mike C. (Super Pinball)
Kev (kvoxx)
Adriano (Drano)
Doug (Menace) and his son Brae

Also wanted to thank my other friends who offered to help once they found out I was moving.

Back on topic Scott, I think what really matters in this hobby are the life long friendships and connections you make and keep. What baffles me is how cutthroat things can get or become over acquiring a pin just to have or worse flip for a profit. Is screwing someone out of a game by offering more money worth losing respect from others in the community? Was that small profit worth it now that everyone thinks you are a profiteer and/or douchebag?

Nothing lasts in this hobby especially when it comes to collections as they constantly change but one thing that can be forever are your friends. Once you start treating this hobby as an investment it will no longer be fun. If the 'market' was to crash and prices go back down to 5 years ago I could care less. I have had some of my games for many years and enjoyed them all or have passed them onto friends.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
I am EXTREMELY glad that I didn't have to move more than 2 games in/out of my old place, and that my current house is much easier to navigate. I don't envy a task like that, but can understand the stress completely-you are moving 60-100k worth of hardware after all. Glad the move worked out!


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Congratulations on the new house and the successful move, Mike! It looks like you had a great crew to help move your pins!