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Pinball Life: New Super Band Products


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Aside from flipper rubbers looks like you can get these in the same material and different colours too.

1-1/16" Super-Bands™ Translucent Post Sleeves


7/16" OD Super-Bands™ Transparent Mini Post Rubbers


In case you didn't know you can also order the 1" version of the mini flipper rubber too! :)



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Santiago de Aurora
not sure I'd want these on the entire game after hearing how these are not as lively as gum rubber... Time for an experiment! (ya like I have time for that)



Active Member
Nov 19, 2012
Mississauga, ON
My first instinct was to not convert my games at home. However, these new rubbers are finding their way onto a number of TOPL hosts' machines, so I've had some game time with them. As someone whose pinball game consists of a lot of control near the flippers, this new rubber has changed things considerably for me. My observations:

1) New flipper rubbers are more dead, as it applies to bounces. A bounce pass doesn't bounce nearly as much. And forget those subtle little bounces off the end of your flipper. What may have cleared the gap and just made it across to the other flipper - no more. Where red rubbers have some bounce, black rubbers have a little less, these new ones are even worse than that.

2) New flipper rubbers are much stickier. Considerably stickier. This means drop catches stick like glue. And as is the case when you really get a good hold of a ball like that, you have to wait that split second longer for the ball to 'unseat' itself a bit before you flip. So, drop catches work great. So much so, you can do them substantially closer to the end of the flipper. (Live catches - I've not tried yet). Also, SDTM shots are more savable due to the amount of grip you get from the tip of your flipper.

Because of this extra grip and lack of bounce, the behaviour is different when you try to jam the ball into the lower corner of the sling, or trap the ball coming down your inlane at speed. The ball/'rubber' combo just doesn't react the way it used to.

3) Contrary to item 1), these rubbers seem to have more power. This potential energy shows itself when you smack the ball. This means more power for long shots. I suspect the 'rubber' is not as responsive at slow speeds (like that of a small bounce) but opens up when you hit the ball and really compress the flipper rubber. It does not have the usual characteristics of rubber.

I heard these are really difficult to stretch when you install them onto flipper bats.

My take? If these last as long as claimed (and they will), you will see more of them everywhere. If you play competitively, you will have to get used to them whether you like it or not. Do I like them? Not really. Rubber is rubber, polyurethane is not. Maybe I just need time.


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
Just in case you didn't know this, SB carries Super Bands for a current introductory price of $1.75cdn. Pinball Life's sell it for $1.95usd and our dollar is pretty crap right now. I stopped by SB this morning and picked up a few more to try in my other games before I headed up to Blue to ride in minus 30 degree wind chill :eek:


Staff member
Nov 14, 2012
The Bluffs, Scarborough
I tried these on every game I played at TOPL last night.
No real opinion yet.
My shots were all off. They are different, for sure.
I don't play enough to really indicate what is best.

It really depends on how people perceive them.
More practice will be required for sure.

Depends all on how PAPA goes I think.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2013
Waterdown, ON
Perhaps having Super Bands should disqualify games from Tournament Play? After all, they apparently aren't the same game afterwards (easier) by many accounts. I haven't tried them yet. Or is it that since all players play the same game (with or without the Super Bands), it doesn't matter for League and Regional scoring? I guess the same thought applies to STTNG outlane extenders. How can people with and without them compare high scores?
I'm just putting this out there for discussion.


(P.S. For me, I try and bring a game as close to release state (stock) as possible, so that I can experience it as it was meant to be played.)


Nov 15, 2012
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
First thoughts are who cares what PAPA thinks .. do people (other than Adam who does it for a very good reason) remove posts or playfield rubbers because PAPA does. Do people tighten their tilts to the level of PAPA methinks not (again Adam would be the exception with good reason), put em on your machines if you like the look or feel (or don't want to change rubber as much) don't put em on if you don't like them. As to outlane extenders it's the same as slope of machine or whatever changes are made ... enjoy the game the way you do .... if SB's make game play significantly longer you can bet they will not be used long term in tourneys as that can be an issue with scheduling (mind you there are other ways to shorten game time) ... as far as add-ons to stock machines go again that is personal opinion in my opinion if it makes the game more enjoyable to play (not necessarily easier but it could be that as well) then I'm fine with it so long as game times don't get stupid but I'm not a tournament guy perse (or at least my games aren't toughened up enough to be considered tournament caliber)

Just my two cents