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JJP "Epic" Annoucnement


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 1, 2012
Scotch Block, ON
Does anyone here care? Pinside is abuzz about the announcement from JJP that an announcement will be made. References to "threes" and "epic". Reading high expectations of some on the Pinside thread, it seems that anything short of Pat Lawlor returning to pinball and teaming up with Paul McCartney to make a Star Wars machine blessed by the pope with a super hi-def LED screen featuring an Addams Family mini-game with no deposit required will be a disappointment.

The message originally said:
Greetings Pinball Fans,
You know what they say, good things come in threes! Next week, Jersey Jack Pinball, Inc. will be making an EPIC announcement! Big news for us, and the entire pinball world! Can you guess what the announcement might be? Visit our Facebook and Twitter Pages to join the conversation and take a guess. Also, Jack will be attending the EAG Expo in London next week from January 21st-23rd. He will be in Booth #852 with JJP Distributor, Phil Palmer of Pinball Heaven! Hope to see you there.


Nov 19, 2012
My prediction is Hobbit will ship mid-year as planned originally, with content from movie 3 added in a software update later. I'm basing this guess off the fact that its possible and one of the only things JJP can do to generate some cashflow in the near future. WOZ alone will not carry the company through this year. Announcing Lawlor and JJP3 is cool and all, but if I'm wrong that puts release 3 at mid to late 2015, unless they are looking to pass the hat once again.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
It'll be game 3 at the very least. JJP needs to keep the money train rolling while the getting is good.
Pat Lawlor has been rumoured since Expo... hopefully that happens and we're not simply underwhelmed with a big game #3 announcement and no new designer.

Since JJP promised a non-licensed design for his next game, it only stands to reason that someone like Pat could be at the helm.

For myself, I'd be pretty excited about a fully featured JJP non-licensed game with PLAW behind it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 1, 2012
Scotch Block, ON
The Lawlor hysteria has fueled guesses from the somewhat possible (three talking heads on an original theme) to the downright idiotic (TAF revisited). I guess this is what JJP wanted by announcing an announcement, but I agree with Frolic that it may come back to bite them when the actual announcement is made.

Chris Bardon

Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Could be game 3, or could be something as simple as bringing on at least one cast member for custom hobbit speech. Another possibility is saying that ALL hobbit LE games will be available this December (basically, that they're starting production early), rather than shipping them as they're finished.

I wonder if they got burned by New Line pushing the movie back much? Now that I think about it, could this be part of the reason the red WOZ exists? If they'd planned on having WOZ to run until this spring, and then move into Hobbit for a summer release, but then been forced to delay those plans with the movie, having another premium WOZ run (other than the standard) might make sense.