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[FOUND] Where are all the Sega GODZILLA at?

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Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
This is really NOT a WTB thread.... well, it sort of is, but not an immediate or pressing one.

I've slowly and steadily made my way through a lot of machines. I've certainly ticked off most games on my wish list over the years. Just in the last couple of months I think I've 'killed' another 5 or so. If I had to guess, I'd say at least 80 titles have passed through my hands. I admit... I've been a bit crazy and relentless at times. Other times it's just been fate or blind luck or karma.

I'm now at a point where I have more games than I want or need, so I am slowly working through them, playing them more and starting to slowly decide which ones to keep and what to let go. However, even n the middle of all this there is one last game on that list that has eluded me. And, while other machines will surely still come and go as opportunities and tastes fluctuate, I would still really love to find that big green Sega GODZILLA that has been sitting on my WTB list for so long.

I was first turned onto it by Adam years ago and have played it sporadically at shows... but I would really love to find one to play at home and get a better feel for the game. Don't know if it'll be a keeper, but gotta find out.

They are notoriously hard to find up here, but they always seem to pop up at shows in the US. I always seem to be just a few minutes too late or a few bucks too short when those have popped up... but I am always keeping an open eye.

So, just curious where all the GODZILLA are at? I know there's one in Keswick and at least a couple more in the Ottawa area... but who else is holding one of these babies (and how can I become your new best friend)? :D

Dave Astill

Active Member
Nov 27, 2012
Collingwood Ontario
i sold adam his and have always missed it. i had it for 7 years and always found it fun to play. I used to see them all the time in the states but a few influential players bought them and lauded the game play. Combined with super low production they are a rare game.


New Member
Mar 23, 2017
Johns Jukes in Vancouver has one. I think it was listed at $4700 cdn if I remember correctly. I haven't been in to see it so I have no idea what it plays like.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
Johns Jukes in Vancouver has one. I think it was listed at $4700 cdn if I remember correctly. I haven't been in to see it so I have no idea what it plays like.

Yeah, I'd like to avoid paying 'retail' and shipping cross country. I'll just have to be patient.


Active Member
Nov 25, 2012
Ottawa, ON
The "retail" price isn't far from current pricing. The last one I know was purchased in the States and brought to Canada. It ended up being over $4K CDN and that was with a stronger $. Mind you, it's the nicest stock (not restored) Godzilla I have seen. Really low plays on that one.

It's a surprisingly fun game. I remember being at Pinball Life. Someone was trying to buy Terry's Godzilla and he wasn't interested at any money. At the time, I was really surprised. Then I put some time on one and really feel in love with the game. Simple, but really fun.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
The "retail" price isn't far from current pricing. The last one I know was purchased in the States and brought to Canada. It ended up being over $4K CDN and that was with a stronger $. Mind you, it's the nicest stock (not restored) Godzilla I have seen. Really low plays on that one.

It's a surprisingly fun game. I remember being at Pinball Life. Someone was trying to buy Terry's Godzilla and he wasn't interested at any money. At the time, I was really surprised. Then I put some time on one and really feel in love with the game. Simple, but really fun.

I don't think I'd be opposed to spending upwards of $4K CAD on one if it was decent. But $4700 at a retailer plus tax is $5300 (not sure what BC tax is like but just using 13% HST as an example) and then shipping across Canada has got to be at minimum $400.

So, let's be practical. Yes, it's a pretty cool and uncommon game with some interesting rules/features, but it's still a Sega ;)
People like Terry may not let them go at any price, but that's not a reflection of market value, that's just a reflection of their love towards a particular machine.

Anyway, seems like there are a handful here in Canada. Just gotta be patient.


Super Member
Nov 15, 2012
So, I'm definitely converting this to a WTB thread.
I got to play the game at a recent event and I now know enough to know I want to spend more time on this machine.

I currently have some interesting trade possibilities or I can convert those into cash if a sale is preferred.

Any/all leads are appreciated


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
Nice, consider the alt translight for that classic look.
One of my fav machines to play.
Not a Matthew Broderick fan.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Delhi Ontario
I want to say its yellowy with a full size godzilla. Looks like an old movie poster.
Can't find a pic of it, yet.
Saw it quite some time ago somewhere online.
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